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Wake Up, America!

Stricter Agricultural Regulations
Besides having significantly smaller portion sizes, anyone whose been to Europe will tell you that the food tastes (and looks) much differently than the food here in America; even a classic meal like a McDonalds Big Mac. One of the main reasons is the fact that Europe has prohibited the use of pesticides, chemicals, GMOs, and artificial flavors/colorings in their food supply  beginning as early  the 80's. Sweden was the first country to ban the use of antibiotics in their livestock as early as 1986; a stark contrast to America only in the recent years having finally wised up to the crisis of antibiotic resistance due to the overuse of antibiotics on factory-farmed animals. This 'movement' was mainly due to public appeal, which has thankfully led to some progress in persuading major food chains (such as Subway and Wendy's) to cease the use of antibiotics in their food supply due to the public health implications that have followed it.

Universal (single-payer) Healthcare
Although there are pros and cons both to capitalism and socialism, statistics don't lie. With 40% of Americans without adequate access to healthcare, it appears to be the only country that views healthcare as a privilege rather than a universal right. Providing universal healthcare to all citizens of a country leaves classism out of the equation. On top of our healthcare being unaffordable and inaccessible, an even sadder irony is the fact that Americans spend the most on health'care', yet continue to have the worst health of all the developed nations. Maybe if our healthcare system was as accessible and seen as much of a universal right as gun ownership, these statistics would actually change for the better. 

Gun Control

One of the reasons why the EU is substantially safer than the US is the near-absence of firearms amongst its citizens and law enforcement. Not to say violent crimes are not an issue in other countries, but there is a reason why you don't see mass shootings in elementary schools or nightclubs anywhere else besides America. This is because America allows citizens to legally purchase firearm without having to first undergo a rigorous certification license... which is even more scary considering that we also are #1 in mental illness (because all unstable people should still have the right to bear firearms, right?). Eliminate the guns, eliminate the problem of people feeling that they need protection in order to be protected. 

Better Work-Life Balance= Less Stress 

American society has created an unhealthy culture in which we live to work, rather than work to live. The workaholic presence in the US is so strong that only half of Americans take advantage of their full paid vacation time in fear of being replaced by someone else or falling too behind once they do return to work. Unfortunately, it is not all entirely by choice, as Americans are forced to rely more heavily on their health insurance (that is usually purchased through their employer). For the majority of the (dissolving) middle-class, the 9-5 grind with little to no breaks throughout the year creates additional stress- and the inevitable sickness and burnout that goes along with it the physiological implications of stress. 

Paid Maternity Leave

Similar to our healthcare system, America is literally the only country in the developed world that does not guarantee any paid or partially paid maternity leave to new mothers. For new American mothers, returning to work shortly after pregnancy is nearly glamorized and expected, rather than seen for what it is: a detriment for both the mother and infant. Despite the recommendation that women should be allowed 6 months postpartum to allow for full physiological recovery and bonding time with new baby, the financial and social pressure of returning to work shortly after pregnancy often takes precedence. 

Multiple Political Parties 

When discussing American politics with Europeans, one of the (many) things that baffles them most about our political system is the fact that there are only two main political parties- especially considering the size and diversity of the country. Having multiple political parties would give people greater freedom of choice and thereby reduce the hostility and divisiveness among the two warring sides of 'Liberal' versus 'Conservative'. This would be especially important in the current hostile and divisive political climate today, which has made America more segregated than ever before. More political party choices might also encourage those who find themselves indifferent or somewhere in the middle (such as non-voters) to become more politically involved and find their voice. 


Since much of the world still views America as leading by example, we need to be aware of how we are perceived not only to our citizens, but to the world as a whole. This is where the US should look to model other more successful healthcare systems (such as Europe) that have substantially better public health standards and social protection spending. I believe increasing social spending and allocating funds more appropriately (paid maternity leave, mandatory paid vacation) would be a great start to make America better than it ever was, but is unfortunately probably not going to happen anytime with this current political climate unless Senator Sanders prevails. 

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